If you never did you should. These things are fun, and fun is good.Dr Suess
What makes us different?
While others spent their youths studying at college, we spent those formative years studying fun. Our passion is for the outdoors. Sharing our playground with you, meeting new people and making this journey fun. It's just what we do.
How did it all start?
Cicada Travel started in 2009 with Helen leading yoga retreats for groups of Californian yogis & yoginis. One of the guests at the time realized Helen's husband Seth, had a talent for guiding - recognizing him from the beach of Del Mar where Seth had a surf camp for 18 years.
Seth & Helen had spent Seth's first 5 summers in New Zealand in a van, traveling wherever the wind blew. Seth's local coastline knowledge was first hand and intimate.
That guest came back the following year on Seth's first Cicada Travel Surf Trip and from that the Classic Surf Tour evolved.
Some years later, Seth's circle of friends began to include an increasing number of NZ fishing guides whose passion for sustainable outdoor adventure became the redeeming quality that united them. Cicada Fishing trips were organically created to link friends with friends.
Where did the name come from?
Long hot summers in New Zealand are just as synonymous with Trumpets, jandals and togs, as they are with the incredible sound track of the Cicada. Come and experience it for yourselves!